Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Final Assignment

     This project is a series of 5 splatter painted mirrors. Originally, I was motivated to take footage of myself splatter painting the mirrors while they faced each other so it could give off a "never ending" look. My video camera died in the process so I just decided to take pictures of the process. I then disassembled the frames from each mirror and stuck the corners of the mirrors into the grass (except for the circle of course). I was placing these objects in a very unusual place, a place you would never see them. With no specific color selection, paint was thrown on each mirror.
     Time based media is interpreted through this project by each splatter of paint. The mirrors are equivalent to time maps. Every drop of paint represents a time in my process. In my photos, time is shown by the progression in the mirrors and how they build up with paint as time goes by.
     This piece would be displayed outside in the grass to keep it in the environment it was in when it was created. The effect that the reflection of the grass gives is very appealing to my eye. Another way of installation could be just to place the mirrors on a wall and let the viewer be a part of the work. The photos would probably be in a collage together.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Appropriation Assignment


I just basically grabbed photos from YouTube of different animals fighting and amusing boxing knockouts. I dropped the opacity on parts of the animals fighting to show the boxing knockout. There was no true meaning to me blending these particular videos together other than the act that there is a fight occurring.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Final Project Proposal

What is the concept of your final project? I'm going to have mirrors face each other and I am going to record myself splatter painting the mirrors.

Why does this particular subject matter interest you? I like the way it looks when mirrors face each other. It gives a "never ending" look. I want to see if i can catch that look while paint and color gets added to one of the mirrors.

How do you plan to make this concept visible through time-based media? I am going to record the process and take pictures of the process. So, even if it goes wrong, people can see the process of fail lol.

What ideas do you have for finished presentation? I don't know quite yet. I'm trying to picture how it would look projected onto a mirror. That may be a good idea, possibly. . . If not a mirror, just projected onto the wall with the painted mirrors next to the projection.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Performance Art: Everybody Say HI!!!

This is my performance art project called "Everybody Say Hi!!!" The video is a compilation of people saying "hi" The clips throughout the video were taken mostly on campus and at my apartment. I decided to do this because you never think about the many different ways people say hi. Each person has a different tone and way they present the word. Also, it was interesting to see how people reacted to saying hi to the camera. it seemed as though people I didn't know were more willing to say hi to the camera and my friends would give me a hard time and tell me no. It was kind of awkward with people I did not know though because I would just walk up to them and ask them "Can you just say hi to my camera?" They usually responded "Uhhhh, sure." Over all, it was a very interesting project. Hope you guys like it :)

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

I Was A Part!!

I was a part of Harry's performance art project, YAY!! I just love this picture so much I HAD to post it for everybody to see!! :)

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Blah Blah Proposal

With this next assignment, I had the idea of recording my friends sit next to people when they are on the phone or studying and have them sit next to the person with a big awkward smile on their face. I want to try and get the persons first initial reaction. Now I just have to find a way of doing this without people getting pissed at me lol. I may have to inform them after the fact so they don't think I'm a creeper.